ul. Rakoczego 9/U3 80-288 Gdańsk
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we would like to invite You to brand new dental office in Gdańsk Morena
we would like to invite You to brand new dental office in Gdańsk Morena
After graduation we dreamed about creating our own dental clinic – with multiple units, numerous staff. As the time went by, we realized that it is not our way.
Our goal was to build an exceptional and private dental office where You are the one that counts, where all our energy and attention is focused on You and atmosphere allows You to feel important to us.
We will not write that we have to educate all the time - we have to do so if we want to be the best.
Every offered solution is the result of all our knowledge and professional passion.
Combining our characters and experiences resulted in creating this office.
It is our masterpiece. We sign it with something really important to us - our surname.
DDS Kacper Polakowski
DDS Bianka Adamko-Polakowska